Lin Industrial at Kozlov Conference

September 21, 2015

Our company participated in IV All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Current Issues of Rocket and Space Engineering". The event is unofficially called Kozlov Conference in honor of Dmitry Kozlov , the head of JSC SRC Progress in 1974–2003. From September 15 to 18 the conference brought together more than 300 industry professionals at JSC SRC Progress in Samara.

Oleg Lazutchenko, Lead Design Engineer for Rocket Engines at Lin Industrial, made a presentation during "Design and manufacturing of launch vehicles and spacecraft. Space exploration and projects" session, telling about how Lin Industrial was born, and about our primary project — the Taymyr family of microsat launch vehicles.

Space industry specialists listened to the presentation with interest. The audience — including Alexander Storozh, Chair of the session and JSC SRC Progress First Deputy Chief Designer — asked many questions. In particular, they asked what actuators are used for flight control (the answer: grid fins and gas thrusters), why a small diameter of propellant tanks was chosen (the answer: restriction imposed by the current manufacturer of composite tanks; this diameter may be reconsidered in the future), and whether we plan to perform launches from a carrier aircraft (the answer: air launch will require the load-bearing structure redesign for Taymyr, so the air launch is possible only in the distant future).

After the presentation Oleg Lazutchenko was interviewed by Olga Gurina, editor of the corporate newspaper.

Oleg Lazutchenko visiting JSC SRC Progress